
ENfold Evans Way!

ENfold was commissioned by the Fenway Alliance to commemorate the designation of the Fenway as Boston’s first state-wide Cultural District. The Fenway Alliance – the designated manager of the District – includes twenty-two institutions in the Fenway area, including the Boston Symphony Orchestra, the Museum of Fine Arts, MassArt, the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, and Berklee College of Music, among others. During its early development phase, ENfold was selected as a recipient of a Boston Society of Architects 2012 Unbuilt Design Award.

Enfold – designed by Perkins + Will – is a translucent ribbon that stretches across the Park and derives its form from the graceful canopy of trees that cover Evans Way Park. It serves as an interactive backdrop to support formal – and informal – programming for the greater Fenway Community during September and October of 2012. It is a key component of a youth arts program at the Alliance’s annual Opening Our Doors event. At Opening Our Doors on October 8, ENfold acted as an imaginative frame for musical performances including Afro-Brazil–a Brazilian drumming band, a tai chi exhibition, and a plethora of other artistic experiences. As the Fenway “opens its doors” to the entire extended community, the installation will gently embraced its visiting creators to inspire new experiences with both nature and the arts.